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Re: vax wscons setting questions

On 2/13/24 12:44, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
Quite unlikely that someone would bother writing a device driver for it.
To test DMF32 a "big" vax is needed; since those are Unibus cards.
I assume that they are quite uncommon these days (I assume Johnny
Billquist may have one? :-) )
    At LSSM, as far as "big" Unibus VAXen, we have a running 11/750 and
an 11/780 that's getting close.  We can assist with testing if needed.
FYI, DMF32 is availabie ($25.00) on eBay:
  And I JUST received a box from that guy yesterday.

  I'm pretty sure we have a few DMF32s in our parts stocks.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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