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Re: Problems netbooting

From the point of view of my lonely log cabin on the fifth floor of a condo in Toronto, I can empathise with Brian! Having been trapped way above the arctic circle with the prospect of missing the last flight home on a Friday afternoon for want of a resistor, that rings true with me!

My problem is that the res in quo does not have any working media other than 5.25" floppy, and no other machine has such a beast on it to make a boot medium.  Alas, the very last of the downtown junk stores has closed and I have no way of buying a 5.25" floppy!

I have 35 nodes on my network, most are embedded systems, with some PCs running SuSE linux, a microvax II and a pp11/93. Nothing with 5.25" disk

Hmmm, wait  a minute, I do have a NetBSD 1.4 boot floppy, maybe I wil lsee what I can do with that!

I will plod along...

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Nigel Johnson, MSc., MIEEE, VE3ID/G4AJQ/VA3MCU
Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
Skype:  TILBURY2591 nw.johnson%ieee.org@localhost

On 25/08/2020 10:34, Mouse wrote:
Ah, MOP booting.  Haven't done that in a long time.  As to its
usefulness, Brian Chase described that best, on this list, 22 years
ago:  http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-vax/1998/01/20/0006.html
Oh, that's a work of art.  Thank you for the pointer.

In my particular case, in my simulator, I've found it significantly
easier to get a DEQNA simulation working than an MSCP disk simulation,
so netbooting is the medium of choice.  And, since the KA630 ROMs don't
do any other form of netboot as far as I know, that means MOP.

Fortunately, all the pieces are there.  My house network's NFS server
even still had all the MOP configuration in place.

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