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Re: mmap implementation advice needed.

On 2018-03-31 14:43, Mouse wrote:
(Should this be moved to somewhere VAX-specific, maybe?)

The problem was/is (if I understood it right), that someone can mmap
more than 1G, and that will never be possible to map on the VAX.

The P0 space is only 1G, and the same is true for the P1 space.  But
P0 and P1 is disjunct, so don't try to think of them as contiguous
But they are contiguous: the top of P0 space abuts the bottom of P1
Yes, but as you noted below, they grow from the opposite ends, meaning 
you really then need the full tables for both spaces for them to 
connect. Which I (and I guess in the end you) find unlikely to be desirable.
So, anything trying to grab more than 1G will never be possible.
Probably.  Theoretically possible, but unlikely to ever be implemented.

But it would appear that the MI part don't give any hooks to stop a
process from going just that.
Isn't the VAX pmap code in a position to reject attempts to allocate
virtual space it doesn't support?
I think that was the problem Ragge faced, but it also seems there 
actually was a way, based on answers that came in.

Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt%softjar.se@localhost             ||  Reading murder books
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