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Re: Can't mount root
On Sat, 4 Apr 2009, Martin Husemann wrote:
I verified a netbsd-5 install kernel boots just fine. So -current is broken.
Can anyone boot -current?
raid1: RAID Level 0
raid1: Components: /dev/sd3d /dev/sd4d /dev/sd5d /dev/sd6d
raid1: Total Sectors: 33519872 (16367 MB)
boot device: sd1
root on sd1a dumps on sd1b
root file system type: ffs
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh:
Terminal type? [unknown] vt220
Terminal type is vt220.
We recommend creating a non-root account and using su(1) for root access.
# uname -v
NetBSD 5.99.9 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Apr 4 09:08:29 UTC 2009
I'm not sure if I still have a network boot active, but it shouldn't
take too much to enable it (I had clobbered my boot disk at one point and
couldn't get another disk to boot and had to setup network booting to fix
the disk).
I managed to read ddb(4) and found esc-shift-d. It does not break into ddb
when the machine hangs, but (as I said before) sending a break works.
Serial interrupts need to be working, so they are probably blocked at
that point. Halting with break should show you the PC and PSL, which can
be used to determine where it's hanging. You can then enter continue and
repeat, and see if you get different values for PC and PSL.
Michael L. Hitch mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA
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