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Re: (native build & other issues - Was: xvfb not built on vax...)

On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Brad Parker wrote:

        b) Groff chokes building certain .ps files - I thought Brad had
           tracked that down to a hypot issue, what ever happened with
mmm.  I found the problem but was unsure that to do.  My fix was to
replace the hypot() call with a "local_hypot()" which did the right
thing but did not cause an exception.

as I recall instead of doing something rational like SIGFPE the low level
hypot code signaled an error with an illegal instruction.

I guess I needed more guidance.  I can go back at it.  I was doing
native builds on a simulated 11/780 at the time and they completed
over night, so it was not hard to set up & test.
        I would be inclined to start with generating a test case
        - copy regress/lib/libm/round to regress/lib/libm/hypot
        and update to trigger the issue. That gives us a reference
        point, and something to trigger if the bug shows up again
        in future.

        Then its probably putting your fixed version in lib/libm/arch/vax
        and getting the system to use it :)

        Can people please take a look at http://wiki.netbsd.se/vax
very nice!

I want to help Dave McGuire get netbsd going on an MVII some time in the
future.  I'm up the the 11/730, which makes me happy.  I thank I have
the parts to put together an MVII in my back room.
        Most excellent!

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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