Subject: Re: Alive?
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/06/2007 08:09:56
> skrev:
>> Is this list still alive?
> Well, yes... Sortof. No reaction to my post about 4.99.20 being very
> broken on the VAX so far...
> 	Johnny

Seems like my post woke up a few lurkers. Thats good.
The NetBSD/VAX port 3.1 is nice. Installed with no
problems from cd. I have, so far, not had any error
messages or problems. Thats amazing. Not often that
happens. When I had my two dolphins and was helping
out on the OpenBSD/m88k list there were tons of problems
to address. Unfortunatly the D300 died and the D100
was stolen. That is also funny. They probably thought
that the Dolphin/m88k was a PC, and I bet they had no
idea how to even turn it on. Anyway. Kudos to the
porting team. Nice work. If I have any problems you
will be the first to know ;) I'll be setting up a
NetBSD/VAX page on my server at the URL:
Not much there now, some docs, some images. No need to
write about the install as it was flawless. The hardware
is another matter. Took some time to find disks that
diden't make alot of noise (I have alot of older disks),
and also to try out the cdrom and the tapes. Oh well.
Not much to say. Good jobb on the port :-)
