Subject: Re: rescued microvax ii and cdc fsd disk yesterday
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Kim Hawtin <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/01/2007 13:06:44
hi der Mouse,

der Mouse wrote:
>> Its in the tall skinny tower case, (my other microvax ii is in a
>> ba-123) but I'm not sure yet what the case is.. it looks a lot like
>> this one;
> That's the case I learnt to call the BA-23.

ah, so theres a series of BS-x23 cases then?

>> How does one get the rear cover off?
> It's been a while, but I think you just pull.  There's a weird sort of
> semi-velcro-ish plastic pressure fastener that holds it on.  (If you
> want to make sure you don't pull too hard, put it front down and try to
> pick it up by the back of the case.  If my memory is right, the back
> will come off before you pick up the rest of the machine by it.)

Ok, I'll go give that a try =)

> The disk questions I'm not competent to comment on. :(

