Subject: Re: Yay! VAX working VERY well
To: Johnny <>
From: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/03/2007 20:13:10
I wrote:

> Ran into some other trouble along the way, and ended up building from a
> May 26th -current instead.  With that installed, the system keeps
> crashing on me -- segfault in kernel mode, with the pagedaemon as the
> current process.  Didn't do that with the cross-compiled system, so it's
> either something that changed between April 16th and May 26th, or it's
> an artifact of the system now running having been built on the VAX, as
> opposed to being cross-compiled.

It's to do with swap, it seems.  A simple way I can reproduce it is by
running bunzip2 on a large, bzip2-ed file.  I'll then watch, using
top(1), as free memory decreases while file buffering increases.  Once
free gets town between 500 and 300KB somewhere, the system crashes.  A
backtrace in the debugger included something like uvm_swapout (I didn't
write it down), so I figured it might be related to swap.  Did another
trial run without any swap space on line, and, sure enough, it doesn't

Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.  --Pablo Picasso