Subject: Off-topic (wrong OS) successfully netbooted OpenBSD v4.0 on VAX
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/07/2006 11:53:14
First off, I apologise for posting this to the NetBSD list since this is
obviously about OpenBSD, but there is no vax-related discussion list for
OpenBSD, so I thought that I'd share here...
(besides this list doesn't get much traffic anyway)

I successfully netbooted my VAXstation 4000/60 on OpenBSD v4.0
(the one that was just released this past November 1st)
By more-or-less following the "install.vax" document

A couple of gotchas:
1) the OpenBSD "mopd" server needs to see the Ethernet interface in
promiscuous mode but it doesn't turn it on and "ifconfig" on OpenBSD
doesn't seem to have an option to turn it on either (!?).
 my quick hack to do this was to run tcpdump, hit control-Z, verify
the interface was in PROMISC mode with "ifconfig" and THEN run mopd

2) The boot loader for OpenBSD uses RARP.   (I think) NetBSD uses
BOOTP.  I wasted an hour today trying to figure out why my RARP
setup wasn't working... you edit two files /etc/ethers and /etc/hosts
and run "rarpd -al"  ...what could be simpler?
When I typed "boot bsd.rd" on the VAX, it kept telling me that my
client IP address was and NOT which is what
I set up in the files.   It took me an hour to realize that my home
Internet router/firewall was answering the RARP packet because it
had DHCP turned on.   So I turned off DHCP on my home Internet
router/firewall and the VAX got the correct IP and mounted the NFS
directory, loaded the bsd.rd file, and everything is working OK now.
(and yeah, all my machines in my home will have to be static IP)

Thanks for listening...and again, sorry for posting an OpenBSD thing
on a NetBSD mailing list...but some people may actually run both.

Thomas Dzubin