Subject: Re: 4.0_BETA fails to install ^U free vax
To: John Klos <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/04/2006 16:43:45
On Oct 4, 2006, at 11:04 AM, John Klos wrote:
>>  It seems NetBSD is "porking out" to the point where it's just not 
>> practical to run it on a VAX anymore.  I find this *extremely* 
>> disappointing but I don't know what to do about it.
> NetBSD 3 still runs just fine on VAXen. All of the current issues with 
> NetBSD 4 are due to the move to gcc 4. Yes, NetBSD is getting bigger, 
> but that's the price we all have to accept if we want to run a modern, 
> secure OS on ancient hardware. All things considered, I'm still quite 
> impressed - not only can we still run a modern OS, but people are 
> improving the port AND bringing proper VAX support into gcc 4. That's 
> no small task!

   Pre-2.0 is still a "modern OS" is most, if not all respects, and it 
runs like a scalded dog compared to >=2.0.  Adding feature upon feature 
upon feature does not necessarily imply "modern".


Dave McGuire
Cape Coral, FL