Subject: Re: current port-vax status
To: Kevin Ogden <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/26/2006 13:55:12
Kevin Ogden wrote:
> Amen.  I still prefer NetBSD over the others (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc) but 
> it's certainly not as light as it used to be.  It's a little piggish 
> lately for daily use on my VS3100 m30 so I've reverted to Ultrix as 
> 4.3BSD won't run on these machines.  I wish I had some Y2K patches for 
> Ultrix 4.4 though, support for larger disk partitions would be nice as 
> well.

You need Ultrix 4.5 (or was the last version 4.6?) then. That will give 
you the Y2K fixes. Larger disks is not there, however.
But I agree with what you say. NetBSD is still the preferred version, 
but it don't feel as good as it once did. However, I still prefer NetBSD 
over Ultrix (brrr)...

> NetBSD 1.4L was fairly zippy on this machine though and I might go back 
> to running it but NetBSD 2.1 was a dog and dig an awful lot of disk 
> thrashing, haven't tried 3 yet though.

It's about the same.

> I kinda miss the days of NetBSD 1.2 on my Mac II CI.  1.2 was really 
> lightweight, didn't support the VS3100 though.

Well, the differences between 1.2 and 1.4 aren't that big, so if you 
like 1.2 I really can't see what you would mind about 1.4.

> I'm not B!tc*ing, I'm sure NetBSD 3 runs quite well on the faster, 
> beefier vax machines with more than 32MB of RAM.

No it don't. I have run it on a VAX 8650, which literally drags it 
knuckles. Amazing considering that when I worked at DEC in 1986, we had 
one 8600, on which we usually had about 100 users (running VMS though).
I have one 4000-90 at home, and it still takes eons to compile the 
world, but the usual (and current) state is that it don't even compile.
(Yes, I'm soon about to post a number of PRs, so that people can stop 
objecting on the basis that no PRs are filed.)


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol