Subject: Re: SPXg support, last call
To: Blaz Antonic <>
From: Adam Kranzel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/20/2005 19:50:28
On Nov 14, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Blaz Antonic wrote:

> Hello,
> As it happens I'm still out of job so I figured I'd finally finish the
> work on SPXg driver that I intended to make almost a year ago after a
> fellow Vaxenthusiast provided me with hardware and I feel kinda bad for
> not doing it yet even though there were no promises given :-) Back then
> I asked for framebuffer identification information and recieved
> absolutely no response (not a single one). I can hardcode the values to
> make the driver work on my machine and disregard other combinations of
> hardware out there and will do just that if I receive no response again
> but that's the last ting I want to do. So - pretty puhhlease - if you
> happen to own a 4000/60 with SPXg/gt or 4000/9x with either LCPSX, SPXg
> or SPXgt, send me the output of the following commands:

<snip lots of info>

I've got a 4000/60 in my closet, with a framebuffer installed. I don't 
have a DEC monitor for it, but I'll dig out the machine tomorrow and 
see what kind it is. If it's the proper model, I'll try to get the info 
for you.
