Subject: Re: QBUS MSCP SCSI project: can somebody help me about this bug?
To: None <"General Discussion>
From: 9000 VAX <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/29/2005 19:46:13
On 10/29/05, Zane H. Healy <> wrote:
> No idea on the problem you're having with the SCSI controller,
> however, I think I can answer your VMS question.  Since all you're
> wanting to do is test your hardware, you should be able to simply
> load VMS, and not actually need any License PAK's.  It's only if you
> wanted to actually use the machine to do something that you would
> need the Licenses.
> Of course I'm not a Lawyer, and by doing this you might be violating
> something, I'm simply looking at it from the technical side of things.

Thank you! Please forget about the VMS part. I have got an solution.

vax, 9000

>                 Zane