Subject: Re: VS 3100 SPX (SPGFX) testers wanted
To: Blaz Antonic <>
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/25/2005 15:58:41
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Blaz Antonic wrote:
> Hello,
> > I have a 3100/76 with SPX. Would that be suitable?
> Definitely. If you have 2.0.x running on it I can fix existing LCSPX
> driver to accomodate for your system in a matter of hours.
It's running 3.99.3. I just have to get a screen for it, since I'm
currently using the serial port for console.
> > I think I have a QDSS around, however, I don't have any Q-bus VAXen
> > running right now. But maybe at a later date.
> Yeah well ... it's one odd beast, I think it's far less common than the
> rest of the graphics boards. It also seems that the further back I go (=
> the older the board is) the uglier the POST code is ... and i'm
> dissasembling that stuff to figure out how things work since there's no
> documentation.
QDSS is what's used in VAXstation II/GPX if I remember correctly. Or was
it the /GPX which had the QVSS?
Well, both QDSS and QVSS was mainly VAXstation II anyway. Q-bus graphic
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol