Subject: Re: Old GCC causes problems in -current build
To: None <>
From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/14/2005 09:08:24
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On Mon, 2005-03-14 07:53:48 +0100, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <>
wrote in message <>:
> Are we stuck at GCC 2.95 for the VAX? If so, I guess this code should
> be changed to accommodate it, right?
For now, it seems so. However, gcc-2.95 is also a problem for the Linux
people (ie. you can't really compile any newer glibc with it, ...). So
this is something that really _needs_ to be fixed at some time, if we
want to continue to support out nice operating systems for VAXen.
I recently (again) started to do toolchain hacking (you've seen a first
patch from me, for binutils, fixing decoding of functions), but I'm not
yet really at the point where I'd fix GCC (neither for NetBSD, nor for
Linux). GCC needs a lot of background knowledge that I don't yet have.
However, if anybody who already knows how it "works" offered to give me
some nice intro (maybe on IRC), I guess the overall situation could be
Jan-Benedict Glaw . +49-172-7608481 =
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