Subject: Re: 2.0 isn't self-building
To: None <>
From: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/03/2005 19:08:09
<> writes:

> A quick thing to do is to change the '#undef EMULATE_INKERNEL' to
> '#define EMULATE_INKERNEL' in the beginning of the file unimpl_emul.S,
> and see if the kernel spits out something informative.

OK, I did that.  I had to change the code a bit -- it's been a while
since it's been used, it seems...  :-)  I changed die to:

die:	pushl	%r1
	pushl	%r0
	calls	$2,printf
	movl	%fp,%sp
	brw	goback

...that is, I removed the _ from _printf, and added a % sign to sp.

Then I called atan2() from a tiny test program, and:

Trap: type 2, code 0, pc 80132db9, psl c00000
panic: trap
Stopped in pid 431.1 (test) at netbsd:trap+0x177: pushab scsipi_nsyncparams+0x421e

But then what?  There's no pushab in the polyd emulation code...

Don't ascribe to stupidity what can be adequately explained by ignorance.