Subject: Re: [port-vax] question, /tmp directory read only?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/17/2005 17:06:15
>> The remedy is of course to mount the root partition read/write.
>> Assuming it was a SCSI disk, as unit 0, the command would be:
>> mount /dev/sd0a /
> You will need to use the "-u" option
> mount -u /dev/sd0a /
> because you are updateing the mount options for an already mounted
> file system.

Unless someone has broken something recently, this is not true in the
case given (though it is true in general).  When the mount-on point is
the root, the kernel silently turns on the (equivalent of the) -u flag.

Whether this is good or not is arguable.  It's certainly good in that
it is almost always the right thing.  But it's bad in that it makes it
impossible to cover the root with another mount the way you can most
mount points.  (Not something I often want to do.  But I've wanted to
on a very few occasions, and as far as I can see it's impossible.)

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