Subject: [port-vax] question, /tmp directory read only?
To: None <>
From: 9000 VAX <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/17/2005 16:24:54
I tried to compile kernel with the newly installed NetBSD/vax 1.6.1 on
a VAX3900. The process stopped and complained that it could not create
files in /tmp directory. I am root in the single user mode. I tried to
"chmod" the /tmp directory but failed. Could somebody
let me know how to solve the problem? Thanks.
Then I tried NetBSD/vax 1.6.1 on SIMH3.30, and the samething happened.
Take a look of the screen shot for details. Is it because I am in
single user mode? I didn't change rc.conf file. I tried to modify the
file, but since /tmp is not usuable, I could not bring up "vi" or
# cd /
# ls
.cshrc boot home netbsd sbin usr
altroot dev kern pcs750.bin stand var
bin etc mnt root tmp
# mkdir /tmp/test
mkdir: /tmp/test: Read-only file system
# ls -al /tmp
total 4
drwxrwxrwt 2 root wheel 512 Dec 5 2002 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 root wheel 512 Oct 29 2002 ..
# chmod 777 /tmp
chmod: /tmp: Read-only file system
# df
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
root_device 39742 32094 5660 85% /
--vax, 9000