Subject: Re: Failure to boot -current...
To: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/13/2005 22:42:49
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Anders Hjalmarsson wrote:
> > I see something similar:
> Okay. You're getting exactly as far as I am. Good (or not... :-) )
> The thing that disturbs me is that I cannot get into DDB at this point.
> It's just like interrupts haven't been turned on. Console input is just 
> dead. So, it don't go on beyond the printout of filesystem type (well, 
> okay, it also complained about the date on your system), but then nothing.
> If I could just get into DDB, things would be a bit easier...
There is a "backdoor" to get into DDB that may work:

>>>D/P 80000100 1

If you're lucky you will enter DDB now.

You can also check IPL and lower it manually if it is too high.

-- Ragge