Subject: Re: turbochannel
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/27/2004 12:29:42
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On Thu, 2004-08-26 08:47:12 -0700, Matt Thomas <>
wrote in message <>:
> On Aug 26, 2004, at 7:35 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
> >Has anyone played with tubochannel on the vax, I was wondering if  it
> >would be possible to put  a second network card in my 4000/90. I have
> >got a pmad-a card which is supported under the pmax port. Has anyone
> >tried this ?
> Get me one of the TC adapters, and it would be possible. :)

Hmmm. IIRC you really need a bus adaptor to be able to connect a TC
card, right? I've got some framebuffer TC cards around, I'd offer one.
Don't know about NetBSD, but a simple Linux driver exist (so it should
be easy to rip off needed constants).

By the way, are you possibly available by IRC or via email to answer
some toolchain (TC :-) related questions around Sep. 22nd to 26th? My
plan is to first make Linux run on the /90, then continue with toolchain
hacking. Guess I'd make good use of your expertise (^8


Jan-Benedict Glaw    . +49-172-7608481             =
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