Subject: Re: Vaxstation RAM, pointers needed
To: None <>
From: Gianluca Bonetti <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/01/2004 17:00:13
Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> Well, IIRC, the problem you're going to have will be that the SIMMs you 
> get won't fit.  I'm pretty sure the modules in the vaxstation are *not* 
> 72pin simms, but a non-standard (outside of DEC) size.  And taking 
> hacksaws and superglue to SIMMs tends to not leave them in a functional 
> state. ; )

VAXstation 4000 and newer VAXstation 3100 use 80pin SIMM, MS44 is 80 
indeed. Older 3100s instead used planar boards 4, 8 and 12MB in size.
This ram is uncommon, but I'va managed many times to buy at local 
electronic meetings for 1 euro or so, 4MB and even 16MB ones.
Good luck!
gl :)