Subject: 4 gig filesystem limit
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/29/2004 19:16:04

I've just replaced a bad 9 gig drive in my local VAX with a 50 gig drive. 
Would anyone like a shell and a serial console to check out the filesystem 
corruption when one tries to use a >4 gig filesystem?

I might have time to do this myself sometime soon, but not right now, so 
if anyone is interested, please let me know.

John Klos
"I accept the legal conclusion of the Attorney General and the Department 
of Justice that I have the authority to suspend Geneva (conventions) as 
between the United States and Afghanistan," Bush wrote in a secret order. 
"I reserve the right to exercise this authority in this or future 