Subject: Re: LCG & 4k m60/VLC keyboard issues
To: Blaz Antonic <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/04/2004 13:26:40
> Also, one last thing: if i was to add hardware cursor support i'd have
> to allocate a 1k block of memory for cursor sprite, but not framebuffer
> memory. Is there something like a pointer to end of used physical system
> memory in NetBSD//vax, so i could allocate two contiguous pages without
> making memory holes in contiguous memory ? Something like heap pointer ?
> It has to be two consecutive pages aligned at 1k boundry in this case
> due to HW implementation. Any suggestions ?
There are several ways:
- uvm_km_alloc()
- static char foo[1024];
Using uvm_km_alloc() you get a logical (4k) page of physically
contiguous memory;
-- Ragge