Subject: Re: First attempt at a VAX -current build
To: Brian Chase <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/09/2003 22:10:03
Brian Chase writes:
> On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Greg Oster wrote:
> > edit the Makefile for xxboot, and move "NOMAN= #define" to *before*
> > the line: .include <>
> > Do the same thing for xxboot_ustarfs in src/sys/arch/vax/boot/
> > xxboot_ustarfs.  (Thanks to Matt Thomas for the suggestion)
> >
> > With those changes I've managed to get a successfull cross-build to
> > complete.  (Full build command was:  ./ -U -u -o -m vax  \\
> > -V CHECKFLIST_FLAGS="-e -m" -D /u1/builds/build18/install \\
> > -R /u1/builds/build18/release -T /u1/builds/build18/tools release
> > )
> I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to play with the
> results.

Me too, apparently.  My "boot.mop-1.4X-VS4000" isn't sufficient to 
netboot a new kernel, and the new "boot" file doesn't work either :(
(And I'm not sure what all is involved in creating a boot.mop-type 

> > Now to test the binaries :-}
> I'd be curious to know what your results are (and what type of system(s)
> you're running the binaries on). 

4000/60, but havn't evem lit a new kernel yet.  (I have local disk, but 
I'd prefer to netboot the new kernel first, as it's much easier to 
keep everything "clean" that way..)

But that'll be tomorrow's project...


Greg Oster