Subject: Re: Random musings on the relative speed of things
To: NetBSD/vax Mailing List <>
From: Matt Dainty <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/09/2003 09:24:26
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* Brian Chase <> [2003-12-09 01:39:28]:
> What I'm wondering though is, how long does this sort of compile take
> to run on a more contemporary system? Only a few seconds? (That's a
> rhetorical question.)
I've not tried building for VAX yet, but I've built everything bar X for
sparc and dreamcast in just over a couple of hours each, running on an
Athlon 1.1GHz under Linux. I think the kernel part takes only a few
minutes. I'm really impressed with how easy it all is, (once you've got
the knack and provided it works ;-).
I've also not tried this yet, but would using something like ccache
yield any kind of useful speed-up for this?
"The way to a man's belief is through confusion and absurdity."
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