Subject: Re: Building current...
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/06/2003 14:43:58
On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> My 8650 is off right now. The power supply in the Unibus box died
> yesterday. I'm going to replace it tonight...
Ah, bad luck.
> So I have no idea how it will work out at my end.
> gcc built alright for you then? I wonder if it works...
Yes, it got built, but I'm not counting on it working. I've tarred up
the results from that build and have started a new one with today's cvs
updates. I still need to build a kernel, but once that's done I'll see
if the "not-quite-successful" build works.
I've also hit some problems with the separate cross-compile attempt I've
been running. I've not quite sorted it out yet, but there seems to be a
problem with the src/ script. When I run for the first
time in a clean src tree, it defaults to setting TOOLDIR as
src/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6X-i386 and DESTDIR as src/destdir.vax.
When I next run, it resets those locations to be
src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6X-i386 and src/obj/destdir.vax respectively.
This later causes the build to die because the tools don't actually live
where it thinks they should be. It's kind of annoying. From what I can
tell, manually creating a "src/obj" directory before starting the
initial build will fix the problems. There's also the option of
explicitly setting those build environment variables.