Subject: Re: XMI Adapters Handbook
To: G. Schadow <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/25/2003 09:13:50
> Reason I'm asking is that I want to know which of the newere
> XMI boards I can use with the VAX6000s. I have the SCSI board
> but that doesn't seem to work. So, would the CIXCD board work?
> Or the DEMNA?

The DEMNA definitely works.  If you have one, I probably can do a
driver for it.  I wrong the original (unreleased) ULTRIX one which
became the one for Tru64 (DEMNA on DEC 8000).

FWIW, when I was at Digital, the VAX 6400 that served as my group's
central server (NETRIX) was connected to the network via the DEMNA.
Matt Thomas                     email:
3am Software Foundry              www:
Cupertino, CA              disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this 