Subject: RE: XMI Adapters Handbook
To: Antonio Carlini <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/25/2003 12:33:00
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, Antonio Carlini wrote:
> I tried replying directly but it failed like this:
> > Recipient: <>
> > Reason: 5.7.1 <>... Relaying denied
> Maybe I was wrong earlier this year when I thought that
> "bqt"'s email system was rejecting ntl - maybe simply
> mentioning his name is enough. Let's hope I've been
> sufficiently circumspect to get through :-)
I hope that my mail situation have improved. I've kicked some at the
person playing with the mail system as well. But this web-thing was
because I was using a bit much disk, so I moved things. Hmm...
I've been a bit lazy, and haven't done anything more, but I should have
added a link from the previous place... Hold on, and I'll make thinks look
like before...
> The SCSI one is Alpha only (and may be too new to be in
> the handbook anyway). DEMNA certainly works on VAX, as
> does CIXCD (although you may need VAX-firmware vs Alpha-firmware
> for that one ... I don't recall).
Yes, there is different firmware for VAX vs. Alpha.
I also think that the normal CIXCD will not work in Alpha (or VAX7000),
but there was an upgraded version available. (Anyone have one? I would
like a second, since I have both a VAX7000 and a DEC7000).
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol