Subject: Re: [ot] Netbooting VMS Install
To: meltie <>
From: Peter Svensson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/09/2003 16:09:02
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, meltie wrote:
> Ah, but I don't want to wipe the NetBSD i've already got on any other VAXen
> around. Looks like i've got to go shopping for another RZ disk then...
Except for some boot proms (older machines I think, not sure) which do not
like larger disks normal scsi disks work fine. One cavaet though - vms
doesn't like the auto-remap-on-error-bit set in the mode pages of the
disk. It won't mount the drives then. I have a small hack somewhere that
disables that bit on the drive. Unfortunatly that hack runs under vms...
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