Subject: [ot] Netbooting VMS Install
To: None <>
From: meltie <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/09/2003 01:09:29
Hi guys

I know this isn't a port-VAX issue but you're about the biggest single 
collection of VAX geeks I can think of, so apologies in advance and skip this 
mail now if what i've explained offends...

I'm currently thinking of putting OpenVMS onto a machine around here for "fun" 
and i'm wondering if it is possible to netboot a VAX from an OpenVMS 
installation CD mounted in a linux box, over MOP or TFTP...? (apologies again 
for knowing little about ODS CDROMs...)

thanks for your patience

Dance like no-one's watching, sing like no-one can hear you, love like 
you've never been hurt, wash like everyone has a nose, eat like 
cholesterol is a myth.