Subject: Re: KFQSA problem
To: None <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/04/2003 04:36:29
At 9:03 AM +0200 6/4/2003, Jochen Kunz wrote:

>Sounds like a bus conflict.
>You have to use the DUP protocol build into the VAX console to talk to
>the KFQSA configuration menu. Look at

     I have been studying that page for hours. Can you suggest which 
item I should renumber? Here is the current configuration:

#### KFQSA installed:
>>>sho dev
DSSI Node 7 (*)

UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA0 (RF72)

UQSSP Disk Controller 1 (760334)

UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)

Ethernet Adapter
-ESA0 (08-00-2B-18-B2-7E)

#### KFQSA removed:
>>>sho dev
DSSI Node 0 (R2YJ3A)
-DIA0 (RF72)

DSSI Node 7 (*)

UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA2 (RA81)
-DUA3 (RRD40)

UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)

Ethernet Adapter
-ESA0 (08-00-2B-18-B2-7E)

#### KFQSA installed:
>>>sho qbus
Scan of Qbus I/O Space
-200000DC (760334) = 0000 (300) RQDX3/KDA50/RRD50/RQC25/KFQSA-DISK
-200000DE (760336) = 0AB0
-20001468 (772150) = 0000 (154) RQDX3/KDA50/RRD50/RQC25/KFQSA-DISK
-2000146A (772152) = 0AB0
-20001550 (772520) = 0000 (224) TSV05
-20001552 (772522) = 04C0
-20001940 (774500) = 0000 (260) TQK50/TQK70/TU81E/RV20/KFQSA-TAPE
-20001942 (774502) = 0B40
-20001F40 (777500) = 0020 (004) IPCR

Scan of Qbus Memory Space

     The dip switches on the KFQSA are set like: one TWO three four, 
that is 0100.

     Thanks and best regards,
     Mike Dowden

M J Dowden <>
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