Subject: RE: DSSI 5-pin power connector
To: 'J. Buck Caldwell' <>
From: Antonio Carlini <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/21/2003 21:56:44
> I've got a BA213 with the funky 5-pin power connectors. I'm=20
> looking to=20
> fill up the case with modern SCSI drives. What is the pinout for that=20
> drive - can I hack off the 5-pin, tape up the blue wire, and=20
> solder on a=20
> standard 4-pin power connector?=20

You can find EK-RF72D-UG by searching on Manx.
It lists the drive power connector as providing
+5, +12 and ACLO. I assume that there would be a
ground for each PSU supply and the blue one should
then be ACLO. A quick check with a voltmeter should
sort that out.

Hacking off the connectors is a little drastic=20
(and difficult to reverse!). Can you not make up an
adapter to go from 5 to 4? I assume the 4 side
is no problem (I've seen them often enough in
PCs) but I have no idea it the 5-way connector
(female) is available easily.


Antonio Carlini   