Subject: Re: QDSS Status and Kernel Making problems.
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/21/2003 09:47:36
> What is the current status of the QDSS? I'm putting together the pieces
> of a Vax4000/200, and plan on sticking my QDSS into it, and wondered if
> it's supported at all (even as glass).
Unfortunately no. I have all docs and hw needed to fix it, but I don't
have time...
> Also, I'm having trouble building a kernel with 1.6.1. When I do 'make
> depend', I get:
> depending the compat library objects
> cat ../../../../arch/vax/vax/ | sh
> ../../../../kern/ cc -mno-asm-pic -ffreestanding -O2 -Werror -W
> all -Wno-main -Wno-format-zero-length -Wpointer-arith
> -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-uninitialized -D_VAX_IN
> LINE_ -I. -I../../../../arch -I../../../.. -nostdinc -DLKM -DMAXUSERS=8
> -D_KERNEL -D_KERNEL_OPT > assym.h.tmp && mv -f a
> ssym.h.tmp assym.h
> cc1: Invalid option `no-asm-pic'
> *** Error code 1
Your compiler and kernel sources are not in sync.
-- Ragge