Subject: Re: Is DEC cable 17-03531-01 B01 a scsi or dssi cable?
To: None <>
From: Carl Lowenstein <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/13/2003 13:06:30
> From:
> Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 20:56:02 EDT
> Subject: Is DEC cable 17-03531-01 B01 a scsi or dssi cable?
> To:
> I am attempting to add a second scsi controller to my old
> qbus VAX 40000 200 crate. I need to cobble up a cable
> from a 50 pin male card header to something scsi. I would
> prefer hd50 rather than old centronics 50 plugs, if possible.
> Whilst perusing the depths of my odd box of DECish cable
> bits, I ran across a cable with two hd50 ends and a 50 pin
> dip header in the middle, constructed of individual wires,
> a' la DEC. This would be the ideal cable to run from the
> qbus card up through the drive bay to the external cable
> connection point, provided it has the proper pinouts, and I
> clip off one of the hd50 sides to keep rf mismatches down
> to minimum.
Been there, done that. But not with a genuine DEC cable. Standard
stock item in cable stores (real or web) is an internal ribbon cable
for a disk-drive box holding 2 50-pin drives.
Don't buy one at a swap meet the way I did, you might have many days
of trouble learning that the connections to the hd50 ends are flaky.
The cable is <hd50> <IDC50> <IDC50> <hd50>. Cut it just inboard
of each IDC connector and you have the cable adapter you want, and
another for a spare. A swinging-arm paper cutter works well for
cutting ribbon cable.
carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego