Subject: still no PPP in generic kernel?
To: None <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/23/2003 10:19:40
     Is there still no PPP support compiled into the generic kernel (for 1.6.1)?

>Apr 23 10:07:06 notung pppd[2053]: Serial connection established.
>Apr 23 10:07:06 notung pppd[2053]: Using interface ppp0
>Apr 23 10:07:06 notung pppd[2053]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2
>Apr 23 10:07:38 notung pppd[2053]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
>Apr 23 10:07:38 notung pppd[2053]: Connection terminated.
>Apr 23 10:07:38 notung pppd[2053]: Serial link is not 8-bit clean:
>Apr 23 10:07:38 notung pppd[2053]: All received characters had bit 7 set to 0
>Apr 23 10:07:39 notung pppd[2053]: Exit.
M J Dowden <>
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