Subject: Re: GCC 3.3 Compile
To: Henry R. Bent <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/05/2003 21:37:32
At 08:23 PM 4/5/2003, Henry R. Bent wrote:
>Hi all,
>I tried a compilation of GCC 3.3 (20030324 snapshot) for VAX on my 
>4000/200 but
>it died somewhere in the middle.  I know I'm a masochist for compiling GCC on
>such a slow machine, but I don't belive in cross-builds.  Anyway, here's what

You can't use GCC3.3 yet for VAX.

Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message