Subject: Re: Observations on NetBSD VAX on old machines.....
To: None <>
From: Thomas Dzubin <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/17/2003 06:31:23
On Sat, 15 Mar 2003 wrote: <edited>
> machines being made, I would think it would be prudent
> logic to bring together a VAX only subset of gcc or anything
> else that is BSDish or distributable, so that a finalized and
> optimized compiler would be available. Make it lean, mean,
> VAX only, and usable for anything not tied to the latest sorts
I'm in complete agreement. I'm a "minimalist" in personality and
something about GCC and its kitchen-sink attitude has always
bothered me. It just "feels wrong" to need a great big honkin'
compiler app & libraries to compile the kernel.
(yeah, I've got two copies of "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition"
on my my warped idea of the "ideal" kernel source code
is minimal C with no inline assembly, and a smattering of hardware
-dependant assembly files)
I would have no problem with one compiler for the just the kernel
and another compiler (GCC) for apps.
I think I'm probably sticking with the 1.5.2 NetBSD VAX code forever.
The only reason I can possibly see to upgrade is if someone gets DSSI
support working. I've got rogue & nethack running on my VT100 ...what
more do I need? :-)
Thomas Dzubin
Vancouver, Saskatoon, or Calgary CANADA