Subject: Re: CMD qbus scsi issues
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From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/18/2003 11:44:39
Following up on Isildur's CMD 220 problems..... They just hit me.
I was building a KA650 system overnight, and the build went fine,
but, one of the last things was to copy a kernel to root in my
cmdline invocation string. It failed to do that. When I checked it
this morning, it failed all drive recognition. Since I had similar drive
recognition problems at speed (if you call a KA650 speedy relative
to a KA630), on a lark, I changed boardsets back to a KA630.
It is now working. Thus, some possible conclusions are that the board
is marginal at speed, or something is quirky about using it with KA650
boardsets, or it may be overheating under load, and a chip is marginal.
I am sort of expecting the latter first, and maybe the former second, and
not anything really to do with the KA650 boardset. Oh, well, back to
Mach 1, rather than warp speed Scotty.....(:+\\.....
That makes a sample size of 2 out of 2 with the problem. Anyone else
see this kind of thing?
Bob Keys