Subject: Re: > 4 gig (was softdep)
To: Matthias Buelow <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/17/2003 20:23:59

> I've had softdeps panics on 1.5.1/vax when copying larger (for a vax,
> anyways) data sets from one disk to another (a slightly >4GB disk was
> involved, I don't know if that is really an issue); I think I mentioned
> that in the mailing list then (sorry, no pointers) but I generally
> didn't consider softdeps too stable with that release so I didn't bother
> writing a PR, especially since I've seen reports from others with
> corruption and panics on 1.5.x/vax and non-vax with softdeps enabled at
> that time.  So, I'd say, the bug(s) are there at least since 1.5.1.

That, I am guessing, is a different problem. Softdeps yes/no was asked
about corruption of > 4 gig slices in 1.6; it happened the same no matter.
Softdeps are fixed in 1.6, apparently, as many people get heavy use out of
systems with softdeps without corruption.

The issue is whether 1.5.2 or, perhaps, 1.5.3 even, can handle > 4 gig
slices without eventual corruption.

Maybe when my VAX is connected to a serial port of another machine, I'll
try 1.5.3 with a 9 gig partition, unless someone beats me to it.

John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs