Subject: Re: > 4 gig (was softdep)
To: None <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/17/2003 23:35:24
John Klos wrote:

> But do > 4 gig partitions work fine under 1.5.2 with any amount of data?
> If the answer is yes, we can look at all of the fs code that's changed
> between 1.5.2 and 1.6. I wish I noticed when the problem started
> happening, but there were many months around the time before and after I
> updated to 1.6 where the VAX just served web...

I've had softdeps panics on 1.5.1/vax when copying larger (for a vax, 
anyways) data sets from one disk to another (a slightly >4GB disk was 
involved, I don't know if that is really an issue); I think I mentioned 
that in the mailing list then (sorry, no pointers) but I generally 
didn't consider softdeps too stable with that release so I didn't bother 
writing a PR, especially since I've seen reports from others with 
corruption and panics on 1.5.x/vax and non-vax with softdeps enabled at 
that time.  So, I'd say, the bug(s) are there at least since 1.5.1.

Matthias Buelow