Subject: SV: VAX 8600 trouble...
To: None <>
From: Christian Johansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/17/2003 12:09:10
> > What does it take to run NetBSD? A new console image? I have 
> > only ran this machine with 4.3 reno on RA81 drives before.
> No idea about what it might take to run NetBSD. But given
> that it was broken, how do you know that it is now fixed?
> Have you managed to boot *anything* else on the 8600
> (like OpenVMS or Ultrix)?

No we haven't, we may have a VMS 4.x console image somewhere that
we could try out with some newer VMS installation? I don't know
how to get something installed. The reno that used to be on the
machine was installed from a massbuss 9-track on a 11/750, the
console RL02 was connected to the 750 and the image put on it.

Unfortunately we don't have the massbuss tape drive left. But 
I guess we could net boot some 11/750 and write the console media
and install the disks.

It used to run fine, then the console RL02 broke down, and
the beast was left to gather dust for a few years (And the
RA81 disks were moved to a 11/750 and later died), and 
off course the batteries for the RTC gave up when it was
unpowered for so long, so the back plane was patched to 
ignore it some year ago and another RL02 was installed.
Now we are struggling with it again and had to trick the
machine since one of the airflow sensors gave up on us.
It seems to have worked since the console goes thru the

> I've scanned a set of 8600 H/W docs but I don't recall
> whether they are on the net anywhere. If you think they
> might be useful, I'll go make enquiries (unless someone
> pipes up in here first).

Docs would be great! We used to have them on microfilm but
they have gone missing... ;(
