Subject: Re: from bad to worse....
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wilson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/16/2003 12:33:57
From: "Henry R. Bent" <>

>but emulating a PC on a VAX would be absolutely crazy.

I dunno, one of my first never-got-anywhere emulation projects was to do
exactly that.  At the time, my company had eighty employees, there was
only one IBM PC, but everyone had a terminal on their desk connected to
the 11/780.  So it seemed like being able to run RMFORT and PLINK at your
desk (we didn't do much with graphics, so our nasty Visual 100s would have
been good enough), even at 1/20 speed, would be a lot better than spending
all day waiting for your turn at that PC.

You can emulate anything on anything if you're patient...

John Wilson
D Bit