Subject: from bad to worse....
To: None <>
From: Baby Peanut <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/14/2003 08:49:29
Now autostart has become hosed after running
Seems I'm not the first one see the USENET post below.
Any ideas how to correct this?
Message-ID: <3BA5A53E.38F3@DECUS.DECUS.DE>
From: Bernhard Wulf <WULF@DECUS.DECUS.DE>
Organization: without any ...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: VAX 4000-90 trouble after testing NETBSD CD with error ?? 000 8 sys
0512 in POST
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Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 09:24:46 +0200
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 09:25:09 MET DST
hope I'm right here, to ask some questions about
the NetBSD port and some hardware details to VAX 4000-90 ?
What happend...
There was a time, a happy 4000-90 running OpenVMS7.x
doing the POST ( power on selftest ) without fatal ( ?? )
or nonefatal ( ? ) errors, did an autostart like configured
in BOOTDEV and started without any further trouble in OpenVMS...
Then I tried out my freshly burned NETBSD CD-Rom on that VAX.
The ISO image I used had the following name /description "VAX BOOT
Everything worked fine, hardware detection, boot up to installation.
I stopped here without writing stuff to disks.
After that, the VAX is a bit confused now...
The POST will give an error like "?? 000 8 sys 0512" and the
autostart didn't work anymore ( the error is fatal ).
Giving ">>> boot" will bring up VMS like before, no further
problems, errors or messages.
The use of VMS will not delete the problem, I tried to do a set time,
various set's on the bootprompt ( >>> ). Also I deleted the entire
NVRAM... no way to get rid of the message.
By the way, this error is not mentioned in the 4000-90 docs ?
The FRU part 000 is not assigned,
The 8 / SYS test is used for "other system functions", a deeper
look will end up with a "system ROM test" which
"Checks the system ROMs one byte at a time to ensure that they
contain the correct manufacturing check data and the correct
The subcode of 512 is not assigned to a proper message.
I want my AUTOSTART back ;-)
What did NetBSD on that machine ?
Are there any sources available to trace the process of hardware
detection and specific 4000-90 things.
Are there adresses in memory NetBsd will write to ?
Highly interesting are regions in the area where NVRam, Flash
or other memories with memory are located.
I'm not the first one with this trouble, see on Google and use
the error shown above as searchargument...
But the problem seems not to be fixed by now.
There seems something wrong with NetBSD and VAXStation 4000-90.
If you need further datails please contact me.
Have a nice day.
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