Subject: Re: where is xterm?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/11/2003 18:44:21
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 11:24:44 -0800 (PDT), Brian Chase <>
> Ohhh, the /luxury/ of 32MB of RAM and a whole 1GB of disk--kids these
> days with their skewed concepts of "small" systems!

Heh.  You must be talking about my daughter, who doesn't understand why
her laptop's disk is full.  She has only about seven movies!  

I've actually got two of these buggers (don't know what's in the second
one yet).  I'm getting it ready for the LinuxExpo here in New York week
after next.  I thought it would make an interesting statement about X
client applications.  It's currently got x11/aterm and www/dillo
installed, building editors/nedit (well, openmotif at the moment).  

I notice the compiles are practically silent.  I guess I have plenty of
RAM versus CPU, else swap or compiler I/O would chatter more.  Who needs
top(1)? :-)
