Subject: RX01/RX02 driver finished.
To: None <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/31/2002 17:38:39

I finished my RX01/RX02 driver today. It is a complete new rewrite, 
not a port of the old 4BSD driver to avoid copyright issues. 

The code is available as patch relative to NetBSD 1.6:

I am sure this code is less than perfect. Maybe it is complete crap, 
but I hope (and think) it is not. ;-) It would be very nice if a kernel
hacking guru with The Clue (C) (R) (TM) would review this code and
give me some comments about it. Especially as I am on the way writing 
a paper "Introduction to Device Driver Writing for NetBSD" and this
RX02 driver is used as an example in this paper.

(This paper is written in German. If someone wants so have a preview: )

