Subject: Re: VMS ABI emulation under NetBSD
To: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/15/2002 17:25:42
At 11:22 PM 12/15/2002 +0100, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> > 1) VMS's shared library mapping technique wouldn't
> > work under NetBSD.
>How is it special?
>Remeber we don't have to do everything like VMS we just have to behave
>so that VMS programs run, that's a big difference.
Shared images that want to activate at a particular virtual address space.
Given Ragge's explanation of the current PTE story however (everything gets
mapped anyway) this one is probably doable as long as you don't call
anything that expects to change your page table (ie sbrk, mmap, etc)
> > 3) The I/O system is based on a multi-threaded asynchronous
> > I/O model (the QIO) which could not be emulated in the
> > current I/O layer.
>Why not? Could you explain the differencies?
I/O is tied into the threaded event system (ASTs) that VMS uses. NetBSD
doesn't (didn't?) have a multithreaded kernel beyond i/o contexts the last
time I checked (which as 1.5, so 1.6 may be different). The event delivery
scheme would also not work over the existing signal system, although as
Antonio points out since you have to intercept the trap in the kernel
anyway you simply end up writing this adaptation layer there.
The acceller8 folks appear to be case by case migration specialists, not
general binary image running types. (which is what we are talking about
here, start an image and it just runs).
I certainly don't want to discourage anyone from diving in and having a go
at it. That's the essence of hacking. But they should be prepared for both
extensive kernel, library, and scheduler work...
An ex-digit I know once said there had been plans to do something like this
for Ultrix but the politics killed it. (DEC hated Ultrix because it took
away VMS sales)