Subject: Re: If you want a machine to make your uVAX II look fast...
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/2002 19:54:03
>> [...] the LN01 (a very early laser printer, something like 6ppm and
>> as big as a small desk, also one of the very few write-white
>> printers I've ever used).
> Write-white? Did the engineers own stock in a toner company or what?
No no. Write-white doesn't mean that it makes white marks on otherwise
black paper. It means that the default state is black and the laser
draws the white areas on the drum, rather than the other way around.
The major reason this matters is that the drawn area tends to bloom
into the undrawn area; on a write-white printer, this means that black
areas shrink slightly, whereas with write-black, they...hmm, I can't
think of any good antonym for "shrink" here. "Enlarge", maybe, but
that seems too generic.
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