Subject: Re: If you want a machine to make your uVAX II look fast...
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/2002 18:54:26
>> [Y]ou could overrun [an 11/730's] TTY input buffer to the point of
>> pathetic beeping, just by typing random input quickly *by hand*.
> Bet that was with a DZ-11 as well.  About the worst peripherial you
> can imagine,

If you say that, you've never had to deal with the LP-11.  (It's a
line-printer interface.)  It could accept only one byte at a time,
required PIO, and had too little buffering (or too little speed at
accepting bytes) to handle more than about two bytes per output-ready

Unless the LP-11 is _really_ dumb and passes all of that stuff off to
the attached printer, in which case the blame really belongs with the
LN01 (a very early laser printer, something like 6ppm and as big as a
small desk, also one of the very few write-white printers I've ever

I made the driver histogram lg(N), N being the number of bytes accepted
per interrupt.  Until you got up to the point where the histogram
counts were no more than about two digits, each bucket had typically an
order of magnitude more hits than the next bucket up.

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