Subject: Re: PC Monitor on VAXen
To: None <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/25/2002 13:32:41
hmm, at least in the US, usually those monitors (or other equivalent DEC 
monitors, any of the 1024x864 ones will do, VR260, VR262, theres a 16 
inch mono one as well..) are usually available free, theyre being thrown 
out quite often. 
As for a PC monitor, any really good multisync that can do sync on green 
(the good sonys, mitsubishis, and NECs do for example) can handle the 
signal. just run the line to the green jack on the monitor. If you dont 
need the graphics, you can do a serial console as well.

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 wrote:

> Hi, this discussion about monitors got me thinking, we use really crappy
> 19" vr262 Monochrome monitors on Vaxstation 3100 M38's.  Theyre forever
> breaking and cost a bomb to get repaired.  Does anyone know if tis possible
> to wire up a standard PC monitor, or something else that is readily
> available to these old baby's?  The current cable is a 15Pin D on the vax
> to a sinlgle BNC on the VR262 monitor.
> Any suggestions welcome
> Cheers
> Adam Pigg
> PS lets not have another discussion about the footer added to my emails :o)
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