Subject: Re: VS 3100 NetBSD 1.5.2 kernel recompile
To: Mike Parson <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/16/2002 08:42:29
> I've revived my VS3100 KA41 A from the dead and was able to install
> 1.5.2 on it.
> The only CPU I set it to have was the "VAX43" CPU, which was
> commented to be for the 'VS 3100/76'
A VS3100 /w KA41 should use the VAX410 option. Hm, this should really be
written somewhere :-/
> Seeing as how it takes ~2 days to compile, does anyone have any
> suggestions that might make it work on the next run? =)
You only have to rerun config(8), do a make depend, and then it will just
recompile the needed files, which is much faster than two days :-)
-- Ragge